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Boilermakers are instrumental to pressure vessel fabrication steel construction sheet metal work heat exchanger manufacturing

Home > Technical Training > Apprenticeship > Boilermaking 



If you are interested in the assembly, installation, maintenance and repair of boilers, pressure vessels & other low-to-high pressure systems or in steel construction & sheet metal work, Boilermaking might be your thing. 

The demand of installation, replacement and maintenance of boiler parts is ever increasing and Boilermaking is foreseen to form a vital part of industry far into the future. After completing an apprenticeship, you will be a qualified Boilermaker with The Red Seal.

By walking your apprenticeship journey with us; we will ensure that you receive training focussed on industry expectations of the future. We will listen to your every concern and you will become part of the RC family.

A qualified artisan will be able to:

Contact us for a corporate solution


Resolution Circle is a technical training provider with a wide range of programmes designed to address the skills required in the rapidly evolving technical work environment. We are committed to ensuring our trainees and corporate clients are equipped with a keen mindset, skillset and knowledge to harness all the opportunities emerging from the fourth industrial revolution. Resolution Circle is a subsidiary of the University of Johannesburg.
Resolution Circle – Johannesburg) is ISO9001:2015 certified.
