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Resolution Circle selects new CEO

Resolution Circle (Pty) Ltd has announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Gideon Potgieter as Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors effective immediately.  Potgieter previously held the position of Group Senior Manager Business Development and has served as Interim CEO since May this year.

“During the time of renewing the focus of Resolution Circle (Pty) Ltd in support of technical professional education, I’m pleased that Mr Gideon Potgieter has been selected as CEO. This selection brings both the element of continuity and change – this remains helpful for a transition.” said Prof. Saurabh Sinha, Resolution Circle’s Chairman of the Interim Board and UJ Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Internationalisation.

Gideon studied electronics obtaining his National Diploma and later his National Higher Diploma at the institution that has now been amalgamated into the University of Johannesburg. He later completed his MBA at the Rotterdam School of Management at the Erasmus University. Gideon has worked in several industries ranging from High-Tech Electronics and Information Technology to Automotive, Education and Medical Insurance in South Africa and abroad.

Most recently he became involved with the Product and Technology development for Start-ups in the Bio-Tech, Clean-Tech and High-Tech areas through Resolution Circle.

Since joining Resolution Circle in 2014, Gideon has spearheaded major strategy and technical shifts across the company’s portfolio of products and services.

He has also been fundamental in redefining the company’s core offering which is professional technical training and programmes for market readiness.The company also offers skills development modules that are not necessarily linked to a qualification and short learning courses in Technology like Arduino, Fibre optic, Programmable Logic Control (PLC) and Solar PV.The current Arduino and PLC courses are building blocks of the Industry 4.0 revolution.

Having started his career in Electronics, then moving onto Computer Hardware and Networking. Gideon has followed the same path as the company’s interns, so he understands their needs. He also had a great understanding of the the needs of the industry.

“During my time at Resolution CircleI have become involved in the product and technology development of other companies, and I have learned a great deal about the start-up and entrepreneurship scene in South Africa”, says Gideon, “I believe in participative management – I encourage and appreciate the input of employees and look forward to working with and leading my team in taking our strategy forward”.

“The opportunity ahead for Resolution Circle is vast, but to seize it, we must focus clearly and continue to transform. A big part of my job is to accelerate our ability to bring innovative products to our customers more quickly.” Gideon adds, “I would rather try something and fail than not trying at all.”

Speaking on behalf of the board, Prof. Saurabh Sinha said, “We believe Gideon has the right operational and communication skills and leadership abilities to deliver improved execution and financial performance.”

About Resolution Circle

Resolution Circle is a training hub that prides itself on providing experiential learning opportunities to undergraduate electrical and mechanical engineering students from universities of technology, practical in-service project training, various short-learning and candidacy programmes applicable to the ever-changing world of engineering and engineering technology.  We are a University of Johannesburg initiative.

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